We love the "right to bear arms" and the freedom to protect ourselves. Of course, when it all startedour forefathers put this law into place to prevent a King and a military from dominating the people. I wonder if they ever envisioned a Trench Coat Mafia in Columbine. If they ever worried that the lonely ,broke, unemployed, downtrodden and teased would ever take this freedom and use it for a completely different purpose. Call GUN VIOLENCE the new hot topic of the week, replacing DOMESTIC VIOLENCE for the time being. ABC news reports on the problem today. read article
Just like everything else there is a right way and a wrong way to go about this. You can't go after the people who lawfully own and carry guns. They aren't the ones you have to worry about. You can legislate me out of my right to own a gun but Joe-the-Drug-Dealer isn't about to give up his.
ReplyDeleteFood for thought....