Wednesday, June 3, 2009


President Obama says Iran's energy concerns are legitimate, therefore Iran and nuclear power is fair. Yet so are Israel's concerns that Iran's president Ahjmadinijead wants Israel in the ocean. So here's how TJ sees it playing out. First , Obama goes to Egypt tommorrow to give a speech about how U.S and Islam are not at war, how Israel needs to stop growing the settlements , leaving the Arab world with a sense that America is for a two state solution , NOT pro Israel. Then, Israel will calmly and coolly attack Iranian nuclear plants this summer, doing what they feel is necessary for security, WITHOUT U.S backing. The Muslim world will then be up in arms, and will have a harder time linking the U.S to the nuke plant bombing after Obama's speech. Bin Laden will call for a holy war anyway. Right wing talk show hosts here will call Obama softer than Jimmy Carter and a threat to national security. In the end though, the posturing and positioning Obama will have gained from this initial trip will soften the international blow when in fact Iran's plants get hit by Netanyahu's Israel. Some things are inevitable. That's why selling the right message, a two state solution and friendship with the Muslim world  beforehand is key. The other scenario is a two state solution, but we all know that the Middle East is too tied to their holy books , written when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, to ever let true empathy and compassion happen. I truly hope I'm wrong.  Good luck in Egypt Barack Hussein, we'll need it.  In my heart I know what's coming next. Too bad people can't just knock down these dumb statues and temples and mosques and start over. Like the new Yankee Stadium. Minus the wind tunnel to right field.

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