Saturday, February 21, 2009


Richard Holbrooke told Wolf Blitzer today that the 17,000 additional troops heading for Afghanistan are an essential part of the plan to turn the tide over there. Holbrooke then went on to say that in a perfect world, a complete policy review would precede a troop increase but in this case, the need to act swiftly in order to keep the Mountainous regions by Pakistan from deteriorating is imminent. Gulp. OK, I'm no Military analyst, but sending a slew of shit kicking fighters over there before a coherent long term plan is like going into the bar and punching the crap out of strangers on your way to figuring out who it was that punched you in the first place. Now you have a plethora of new enemies to fight along with actual one that started the whole thing! No..hold on.. wait..I'm getting my wars confused. That was not the Afghan analogy.  That was the Iraq analogy I made on Sept 12 , 2001. Afghanistan was what again? We were trying to find Osama there weren't we? The Taliban were there then we pummeled em now they're back and Al Qaeda's with em barbequeing and playing volleyball in the South on nice days. Never mind, lets forget the whole thing. I need a new scorecoard for this War on Terror anyway. And a disco nap. I'm shot. Long night last night. Wake me up when Tehran celebrates their first Nuclear test site. Or when they find those WMD that Saddam hid from us finally.

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