Monday, August 24, 2009


So ADHD (above) is the new drug of choice on College campuses. The prescription drug for 10-19 year olds is apparently the latest thing. God we're so proud of those college kids continuing on a long tradition of campus life introducing the culture with how and what to abuse for the coming decade.

Speaking of which, I walked by a street book sale and picked up a nothing book called "The Gap" for a buck and loved it! It's 100 pages, takes place in 1968. Both a college student and his 42 year old Uncle spend time in each others circles. The kid goes to Madison ave while the Uncle smokes weed with his nephew and hangs out in Tompkins sq park. Conversations are about Vietnam, the draft, music, hippie culture vs the work world. It's a pre cursor to 70's mega huge show " All in The Family"
which gave the world the lovable bigot Archie Bunker. The book came out the same year as "I Love You Alice B Toklas," a film in which the "square" star Danny Kaye leaves his wife at the alter for a life of smoking weed that extends to a hippie commune in his apartment. Great cult film.

Now waking up today to Washington we see that there are those like Joe Lieberman who suggest as he did on CNN's State of The Union Sunday, that Obama should wait for another year, another time, to get back into health care. Meanwhile rumours about whether to ram the bill through still fly overhead. Town hall meetings across the country continue today. None in Martha's Vineyard where according to right wing mosquito Anne Coulter the Obama's are having their "elitist" summer vacation. Hey Anne, if McCain won, which of the six houses that he didn't know he had would HE be camping out at?

News from Kabul is that the Afghan elections may have been rigged. That's almost as shocking as telling me a horse race was rigged. Those poor bastards at OTB on Manhattan ave in Greenpoint. Imagine if we let them in on that secret. It could crush their whole existence.

Back to thecollege kids. 47 cases have been reported at U of Kansas already. The college heads are telling kids to stay home and commute if possible . Yea right. Don't the school heads know that the sole purpose for most kids in college is to party and get laid? Should be an interesting semester across the country. Can ADHD cure Swine Flu? We're sure the frat boys will give it the old college try after three beer funnels.

That's all for now. Gotta race to the dealer. Cash for clunkers is on the clock. One hour left. My dreams for a hybrid the size of a mini snickers candy bar is fading. Fast.

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