Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Republican turned Democratis Senator from Pa Arlen Specter refereed an argumetn, then faced a barrage of unfocused anger from "concerned citizens," at a Town Hall meeting today. The stupidity. People yelling and screaming about a bill that hasn't even been invented yet. Charging that the Senator is not upholding the Constitution. Tht Karma will be a bitch one day.

The  Politicians who can't make clear what direction health care is truly headed, allowing fear and imagination to take over are most to blame for this .Watch the video you'll see what we are talking about. Misguided anger that a public option will lead to a Federal take over of the country the likes of which we haven't seen since the Revolutionary War era. All of this mind you, without a bill even being put forth yet! 

Hey Obama. Quit playing nice. Stand up there today at your 1pm Town Hall meeting and be focused and clear as to what the potential plan actually is. When you get behind the scenes with the Senate, stop waiting for their approval. Trust your instinct, tell them to shut up and sit down, that play time is over. Get something passed that improves upon where we are now, which is a world with rising premiums and without at least some cheap crappy government option that will cover those too cheap or broke to get a cheap plan 

Oh and hey. GOP, nice political ploy, attacking Nancy Pelosi this past week for calling dissent "Un American."Link the unpopular speaker to Obama, and you have the blueprint for making Obama's popularity fall further. Thumbs up to the strategists on that one.

As for the Town Halls, which resemble mind numbing, drooling stupidity like that of a WWF event, let's kake sure that on the way out of those meeting that the participants  all build bomb proof shelters and stock pile it with as many guns as possible. Makes sense right? All because the Government is stepping in. Grenades too. You can never be too safe. Especially in a country where dissent without understanding the content is ok just as long as the rants are loud enough and make for great sound bites. read article

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