Friday, June 19, 2009


The President became the jokester at yet another WH correspondents dinner. He joked about how this one unlike the one 5 weeks ago lacked the "starpower" how he's not a car salesman while going into a diatribe on the benefits of some new Buick model, how Richard Holbrooke greased the White house driveway with WD 40 causing Hillary to break her elbow. It was funny and bizarre. Why do they make the president do these types of things. Can't the White house decline? I know it's tradition but, it's kind of a silly one. Anyway, he was pretty good at it. When he wasn't wowing the room, he'd laugh at his own jokes of give one of those "well what do you expect I'm not a comedian" looks that created laughter anyway. Fox news and right wing talk radio will probably hammer him for his "what would a Latino do" comment in reference to how he thinks about confronting a problem. It was a joke Limbaugh, ok? A joke Hannity , relax and enjoy your Freedom concert.

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