Tuesday, March 3, 2009


 Josh Bolten, the former UN ambassador for Bush  told Sean Hannity the one that cuts off anyone with an opposing viewpoint, that negotiating with Iran makes Obama look soft and that this administration resembles Carter. The Carter comparison? It's been a month, we need more time for that assessment.

 Negotiating is not soft, it doesn't embolden crazies like Ahjmadinejead. Instead, it's the 1st step in a process that will  garner intl support if and when we need to fight. Writing the process off simply because of the Holocaust references and Iran's nuclear capability is not being  soft it's smart. There are no nukes yet so this is the time to rally the world around the idea that nuclear  Iran is dangerous. Syria is being wooed, or recruited as we speak. Others will follow. Maybe the lack of communication, especially over the past 6 years,  have helped  lead us to this point.

" Let us never negotiate out of fear but lets not fear to negotiate. "JFK said that. Imagine what the danger of not talking to the USSR during the Cuban Missile Crisis could have been. 

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