Saturday, July 4, 2009


Sources close to Sarah Palin are coming out saying now that the 2008 VP candidate with rock star appeal to many across the US simply "doesn't like her life" and wants to raise her kids and stay out of the vicious press cycle that constantly bashes her. Others speculate that her stepping down as Governor of Alasaka, a move she made in bizarre fashion yesterday was only to preempt a federal investigation of illegal practices she conducted of some sort. Reports of a possible talk show with NBC are also swirling around.  TJ and the TUX immediately thought this was a Maverick going outside of the box to begin her national campaign funds chargehead on towards 2012. OK, we jumped the gun perhaps. Maybe Sarah Barracuda is staring at a different world than she entered when she first became a household name during the race for the White House in 2008. One that has essentially dropped to its knees over Michael Jackson, while Iran is in tatters. A world that calls David Lettermans off color joke about Palins daughter and womanizing baseball star Alex Rodriguez having sex during a game entertainment . don't forget about the uncovering of  Mark Sanford's  secret trip to Argentina. Add to that the wars that are being fought but may never be won. The recession. Maybe it really is time to make giant pots of Black Bear stew for the family Sarah. Let's all reserve judgement for the time being.

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