Monday, July 6, 2009


Let's look at this objectively. Social media is the primary news source for the world now, taking the title from blogging who stole it from traditional news sources TV and newspapers. Add reality shows to the mix of Twitter and Facebook and what you have is a viral, nanosecond changing world that values hype and on screen performance over substantive viewpoints that lack pizzaz, and flash. 

Since former VP candidate and rock star Sarah Palin left the 2008 campaign, we've learned more about Sarah's family, Levi Johnson's views on sex with  Tyra Banks, and David Letterman's joke style than about any views Palin has regarding Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, N Korea, the recession, energy, and healthcare. 

Her stepping down from her post in Wasilla, Alaska where newsmaking is hard to do unless you race dogs in the Iditarod, shouldn't come as a surprise. As for those who will question her fortitude and ability to lead by her stepping down, keep in mind that by the time she does run in 2012, provided that she is garnering the funds to do so, we'll be already an infinite number of tweets and tabloid stories later. Will people really care about Palin and Alaska in 2009?

We've  made our beds people. Now let's all sleep in it. Just make sure to keep our cell phones on for breaking news and trending topics on the matter.

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