Wednesday, April 22, 2009


OK, as discussed today over lunch by the fearless TJ and the TUX staff, how far does the paper trail go now that Obama has let the CIA docs come out. Pretty far apparently. This aint 1972. No Woodward and Bernstein "when the flower pot moves" world anymore. News moves in nanoseconds. In twitter seconds. Let's assume Bush is next. Then what though. Waterboarding deemed illegal, top players signed off. So..what..jail time? This is precisely why Obama creates an out tonight by saying some interrogation methods by Bush team were effective. And why Cheney has been so critical of Obama's recent choices to declassify docs and close Gitmo.

Look make it simple. 2001-2002, htting out of bounds given the circumstances, ok. Fine. Not fine, but fine. After 2002, no. Obama now has to create a point in time where it was "understandable" to get info at all costs. Otherwise Bushgate is on its way and Mr President may be faced with having to let Holder prosecute top US administration players under Bush. Or Bush himself. read article.

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