Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Bush strategist and mastermind Karl Rove took on Clinton strategist, the "Rajun Cajun" James Carville in a packed Radio City with the legendary Charlie Rose moderating. Exchanges were heated, especially over Katrina,  Rove blamed Katrina on Dem Mayor Ray Negrin's poor execution of his own plan, while Carville mocked blaming Negrin ("he was 8 feet underwater!) and Bush for being unattentive to the threat of losing a city, while in San Diego. Rose promised no more Katrina, but Carville jumped back on it again.  On the legacy of Iraq Carvllie said it will be seen as "massive incompetence" while Rove said  that it "kept us safer." Protesters jumped the stage during an earlier exchange, and shouts of "War Criminal " directed towards Rove stopped the intriguing drama for minutes. The shouting ended when Carville , in defense of Rove told the lady "to put a sock in it." The best line of the night was when Carville said "I feel for Karl. I know what it's like to have to defend a president. The difference is I have to defend 8 bad minutes he has to defend 8 bad years." Cheers favored Carville throughout, which was to be expected in NYC,  but Rove had some crowd support, mostly during  his attack on  Nancy Pelosi's "drive by"  claims that the CIA lied about Waterboarding in 2002,  followed by her trip to China which he termed "getting out of Dodge" More on the debate later.

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